How to Beat Procrastination in 10 Minutes

This is a quick 2-minute read because it is such a great tip for getting you off the procrastination struggle-bus!

We’ve all been there: that task we keep writing down on today’s to do list only to transfer it to tomorrow again and again. Or that task we keep saying we’re going to do but we don’t really want to do it and so we delay and delay and delay.

But what if I told you that conquering procrastination could be just 10 minutes away?

How to End Procrastination

Today’s challenge: Identify one thing that’s been on your to-do list forever, something that makes you procrastinate. Maybe it’s scheduling a doctor’s appointment, canceling that membership you pay for but don’t get any value out of, or finally tackling that cluttered desk corner.

Here’s the deal: set a timer for 10 minutes and attack that task head-on!

Trust me, that looming project is often way bigger in your head than in reality. A decision to get it done will be 10x more effective with a timer. 

So, are you ready to win? Set your timer, get that task done, and then let me know how it went in an IG DM! Let’s crush procrastination together and experience the satisfaction of a completed task.

I often call it eating the frog – after the Mark Twain quote (look it up – it’s hilarious!). Sometimes we have to just make the decision to eat the frog the very first thing when we start our day. Meaning, we get the worst part of our day over with FIRST. And a timer is the best way I know to do it. So I tell myself, I’m setting my timer for 10 minutes and I’m making that stupid phone call before I do anything else [or whatever it is I keep putting off!]. 

Works every time. 

Now you try it. Then send me a DM and let me know what task you overcame today!

PS Are you a small business owner who feels like you spend most of your time stressing, unorganized and working every weekend? If you crave real time management skills, small business tools, and coaching that actually helps you thrive in your business, you need to check out The Success Squad!

Doors open again fall 2024 – CLICK HERE to join the wait list. Space is extremely limited. Those on the VIP wait list get first access, 24 hours before everyone else.

Disclaimer: While Kelly is a certified business coach this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as financial advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace legal or financial advice. Always check with your own legal or financial team before trying or implementing any information read here. As an Amazon Associate Kelly also earns from qualifying purchases.

Hello, I'm Kelly!

A latte-loving, polka dot and stripe wearing business coach. I’m mom to 4 wonderfully quirky, sarcastic, competitive, driven, and hilarious kids (plus 2 kids-in-law) and happily married to my rock-solid husband for 25 years. While I frequently spill food on myself and can never seem to find my iPhone, my dedication to helping women like you reclaim their time and thrive in their business is unstoppable. 

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