The Success Squad
The ONLY coaching program for Female Entrepreneurs that offers proven Systems & Strategies to master your day, build a successful business, and achieve the work-life balance you desperately need.
You find yourself working all day or multitasking non stop - ping-ponging from one thing to another, never gaining the momentum you need to grow your business.
You spend hours creating content for the ‘gram {reels, carousels, that perfect photo}, HOPING to reach your target audience and make sales - only to hear crickets…
You’ve overeducated yourself with courses that promise the moon but only offer general advice - without showing you HOW to make it work for your unique business.
You end the day by giving your loved ones your leftovers—burned out and overwhelmed because you’re doing the same thing daily without seeing any results.
You think something is wrong with you - ready to throw in the towel because it seems so easy for everyone else…
Sweet one, I get it!
You know you've been given a gift that will add value to the world, yet don't know how to executive it successfully ...
There's a BETTER way! How would you feel if...
You had a clear roadmap that showed you where to spend your time each day – saving you 8 to 20 hours per week – so that you could work fewer hours while getting more done?
You had a proven system that gave you an endless pipeline of highly targeted clients without sending cold DM’s, trying to go viral, and spending hours on social media?
You had every tool and strategy you need to double or triple your income in the next quarter with actionable, clear steps that show you HOW to achieve your goals?
You had a renewed sense of joy and confidence in your business that not only gives you more energy and excitement but also brings balance to your work and family life?
It’s time to go from where you are to where you want to be!
I’m Kelly Leardon!
Believe it or not, I was just like you – so used to operating in a place of overwhelm and chaos that I was just done. I was living life at 1,000 miles per hour, neglecting my four kids and husband more and more as the months flew by.
I finally hit a wall and found myself in the midst of extreme burnout. So, I walked away from my dream job and opened the doors to my own business.
Fast-forward to fall 2023. I saw a huge need in the online space for female entrepreneurs to break free from the constant juggling act and despair that I experienced.
I felt compelled to distill the strategies and frameworks I used as a Director of Operations, working in over 40+ industries, into the essentials for the female small business owner.
And, this is what I have to offer you now!
These are frameworks and systems I’ve used to help 6, 7, and 8-figure businesses see success – but tailored specifically for entrepreneurs like you, making business growth easy, enjoyable, and highly profitable.
Freaking amazing, right?
It’s time you’re empowered to build your business in a healthy way that honors your gifts and skills while still allowing you to enjoy the things that bring you joy.
Kelly is a Certified Director of Operations with experience spanning over 40+ industries and supporting small businesses for over 20 years. Kelly is a sought-after speaker for mastermind and membership programs and a guest on various high profile podcasts, sharing with listeners how to build healthy, sustainable businesses while prioritizing their personal lives.
Are you ready to seriously level up your business while working less than you are today? Let’s do this, Warrior!
The Success Squad
Post-it notes everywhere to COMPLETELY ORGANIZED- Say goodbye to the constant juggling act and cyclone of chaos!
Waking up each morning with no clue what to work on - just reacting to emails and putting out fires - to FOCUSED, SYSTEMATIC, and ACCOMPLISHED workdays!
Relying on Instagram for business growth to using a PROVEN STRATEGY that will give you ENDLESS new business - without depending on the ever-changing algorithms
Working nights and weekends to ONLY WORKING WEEKDAYS - giving you MORE TIME with family, friends, and the hobbies you love {and the ones you left behind}
Stressed, overwhelmed, and ready to pull the plug on your business to re-energized, re-motivated, and READY TO TACKLE THE DAY with confidence!
Feeling isolated and stuck to joining a like-minded community of driven entrepreneurs – sharing wins, swapping strategies, and growing your business with confidence and support every step of the way
Struggling to prioritize income-generating tasks to mastering a proven system that focuses your time and energy on the tasks that actually matter – building a thriving business you're proud of!
This IS possible for YOU! Will you be one of the 20 women ready to step UP and INTO your calling…
Only 20 spots are open in The Success Squad for the January round. THIS ISN’T FALSE SCARCITY! No exceptions for “just one more” after the doors close. I want to give you my full attention and support. So don’t wait to register!
Doors close to The Success Squad at 3 pm EST/12 pm PST on Monday, January 13 or WHEN ALL 20 SPOTS ARE FILLED!
“The Success Squad showed me that I can do all the things I need to do and still manage to have time for myself…”
Are You Ready to STOP Buying Courses that Underdeliver and Get Access to the ONLY Business Program You Need?
Let’s Dive Into…
The Success Squad!
Here’s what you’ll learn inside the program – Module by Module:
MODULES 1-2: The Proprietary Time Mastery System
Learn how to master your time! I’m sharing my sought-after time management system and time-saving strategies that teach you how to work fewer hours but get more done! It’s time to get your business organized and achieve the work-life balance you deserve!
{Fun Fact: The average Squad member gains back 8.25 hours in their week. That’s an epic date night, a bubble bath, and coffee with your bestie … every single week!}
MODULE 3: Workflow Warrior
Ever found yourself wasting time trying to find what you need to do your job? Or trying to remember ALL the things you need to do for your business?
Here, you’ll discover how to optimize your workflow, have strategic systems in place to scale without the stress, AND create a business that’s more organized than Marie Kondo’s t-shirt drawer (yep, you’ll be able to find anything you need in 30 seconds or less!).
Warrior, this efficiency-tip-packed module will change your life!
MODULE 4: Productivity Powerhouse
You’ve gained hours in your day—now you’re going to learn how to use the hours to become a productivity powerhouse!
Say “goodbye” to the days of 47 tabs open in your browser and “hello” to life-changing hacks that will move your business forward with simplicity and ease.
Plus, this is the ONLY place where Kelly shares a mind-blowing hack that will have your business getting stronger AND smarter with each passing year.
MODULE 5: The Third Platform
I’m letting you in on my little secret – the surprising platform that will double your revenue without relying on that pesky social media algorithm or cold DM’s.
And no, it’s actually not your email list!
After building on the 3rd platform, you’ll realize business really can flow TO you without you having to chase it down. This is how you can run a business that is never hungry for leads again!
MODULE 6: The PI Framework.
You lack sales because you don’t know how to talk to your target audience. Or you use language that lands you in the friend zone with your followers.
In this module, you’ll learn how to master your messaging – how to observe, collect information, and speak just like your ideal client.
Once you learn how to do this, your audience will sit up, take notice, and beg to work with you.
MODULE 7: The PI Framework Continued & Endless Content
It’s here that you’ll become a content-creating MACHINE! Imagine creating with ease hundreds of pieces of content that actually connect with your ideal customer and convert into sales.
Learn how to use a personalized content roadmap to stop spinning your wheels and start looking forward to connecting with your audience.
The biggest complaint in this module?! TOO MANY ideas for what. to post. (Sounds like a great “problem” to have!)
MODULE 8: From Followers to Superfans
When you create just 10 SUPERFANS, you can have a million-dollar business!
I’m giving you a step-by-step framework to create raving fans from casual followers.
Raving fans will send you tons of revenue and an endless stream of referrals. No more wondering where your next customer or client is coming from!
MODULE 9: Endless Streams of Revenue
In this module, you’ll learn the exact steps to increase your revenue without using gross sales tactics, gimmicky principles, or useless mindset fluff!
You’re going to learn the HOW – how to make sales, how to keep clients returning, and how to clean up those dead ends and broken systems in your business.
PLUS, get all those different marketing systems playing sooooo nicely together that sales start to feel easy and fun!
No one has taught you the systems that work for you - until now!
10 LIVE One-Hour Group Coaching Calls
For ten weeks, we’ll meet for a LIVE one-hour coaching call where I’ll answer your questions and dig deep into each module. Plus we have an implementation week between modules to help you implement!
And, if you can’t attend the LIVE call, you’ll have the opportunity to pre-submit your questions, and I’ll answer them on the call. Each call is recorded and will be available to you promptly each week.
Your Robust Digital Course {a.k.a. “The MBA”}
You’ll get unlimited access to 9 modules, with one module released each Wednesday morning. What does unlimited access mean? After our 910-weeks are over, you’ll still be able to access each module and continue to go through the trainings on your own time.
Your Comprehensive 200+ Page Squad Workbook!
A plethora of done-for-you templates, resources, dashboards, and scripts that will fill your business with tools to help you stay organized, reduce overwhelm, and increase your productivity. Plus, links to Google Drive docs and sheets already created for you so you can start implementing – fast!
You’ll get everything you need to build a strong, healthy business that unlocks sales and gives you balance!
The Success Squad Inner Circle
{Value $999}
Join an exclusive community of like-minded, driven female entrepreneurs for unparalleled support, collaboration, and growth as you navigate your business journey inside our private community with support from Kelly and her team every step of the way!
Our private community is hosted inside the brand new Walk Like Warriors app! (App works on desktop and Android, with iPhone coming soon).
Monthly Batching Sessions
{Value $297}
Struggling with the constant pressure of creating content and writing newsletters?
During your time in the Squad, you’ll receive three invitations to join Kelly’s monthly 3-hour batching sessions so you can get that content creation monkey off your back once and for all! At a recent session, one Squad alum batched 40 social media posts, another made 30 carousels, and another wrote 3 months’s of newsletters! We’ll teach you how to batch the RIGHT way!
You Won’t Be Struggling with the constant content creation pressure - or the feelings of frustration or loneliness - anymore while you're in the squad. we will do this Together - I Promise!
At the conclusion of The Squad, I’m releasing 3 BONUS MINI COURSES that will give you additional training and tools to build your confidence, sell without the sleaze, and launch your offers with success!
BONUS MINI COURSE 1: Your “NO-FAIL” Launch Strategy
{Value $197}
Word on the street is that launching is stressful. Guess what? It doesn’t have to be! What if I told you that you could actually launch your offer without headaches, stress, and insomnia? Friend, it’s possible! I’m giving you my proven A to Z framework for a bulletproof launch in this mini course!
BONUS MINI COURSE 2: Rock Solid Elevator Pitches {land new customers in 60 seconds flat}
{Value $197}
Do you find yourself flustered and frustrated when someone asks you, “What do you do?” Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This mini course will walk you through how to develop your elevator pitch and confidently deliver it in a way that gets you new leads every time you answer, “What do you do?” A Squad alum who is a coach used this strategy for the first time at an industry event landed 3 brand new clients.
{Value $197}
Selling your product or service should be done with authenticity and ease. I’m giving you additional tips and training on how to sell your product or service WITHOUT sleazy sales tactics … ZERO cold outreach required.
Let’s Get You an Endless Pipeline of Clients & Customers!
Meet Ashna...
“Not only was I able to build slowly in the way that was right for me, I was able to build my following, my business, gain new clients, have returned clients, and create a program. But, I was able to have time to cook dinner, to homeschool my kids, to attend softball games, and find myself again with a hobby that I’ve lost along the way.”
– Ashna Faust, Habit & Macro Nutrition Coach, Lady Macros Coaching
If you’re skeptical about if this will really work for you, consider what others have said...
Stop Hoping for the Best & Get Real About Building a Solid Foundation For Your Business Today!
Are you ready to get strategic about growing the business of your dreams?
Don’t wait to invest in yourself and your business!
This round of The Success Squad is limited to just 20 spots. I want to ensure you receive my full attention and support, so register now to secure your seat!
Enrollment will end at 12 pm PST/3 am EST on Tuesday, January 21st, or as soon as all 20 spots are taken!
Meet Toyan!
“Having worked in the corporate world for twenty years and having an MBA, I thought I was completely prepared to run my own business effectively. I was wrong.
I had so many plates spinning and was overwhelmed – not very happy running my business. I was used to delegating things. Now it was just me. It was too much work and not enough family or “me” time.
Then a fellow business owner introduced me to Kelly. Things have changed dramatically!
Kelly’s program taught me foundational business skills for running my own business that they do not teach you in business school nor do you learn it on the job.
As a Senior Manager, I was implementing someone else’s strategies that went with their business, not mine.
I now have strategies for my business and my life—things I would have never come up with on my own. I know what I’m doing—there is a plan. Those spinning plates all have a place. Some have been eliminated because they were not necessary.
I have joy in my business again. I look forward to the future of my business. I also have more free time because of the specific time strategies I learned. I do not feel guilty when I’m not working or constantly think about work because I’m able to finish in half the time. I’ve heard “Work Smarter, Not Harder” on repeat from the self-employed business world for years. None of their strategies were foundational, but Kelly’s are.”
Toyan Miller, Autoimmune Warrior & Coach
You could spend two years - and $50,000 - earning an MBA, or you can join this program for quicker results and start growing your business immediately!
Want to be able to close your laptop at a set time every day and savor moments with your family, free from worrying about tomorrow.
Are eager to use smart strategies to organize your business and gain the forward momentum you need.
Realize that doing the hard work will make you a better business owner.
Don’t want to look back, knowing you gave up on a dream that could have succeeded if you had the exact steps to execute it.
Want to keep grinding away at all hours of the day, apologizing to the ones you love because you don’t have time to spend with them.
Desire to stay in the same, stuck situation you’ve been in for the last few years - spinning so many plates that if one falls, they’re all going to crash!
You want to rely on mindset mantras and ew-gross sales tactics to grow your business.
You’re comfortable living in chaos—no longer seeing the mess and continuing to do the same thing without receiving much in return.
Are You Ready to Get Your Business in Order?
Meet Liz
“I invested in some courses and coaches to get more foundational skills to run a business. But what I found was that they taught me some stuff, but I didn’t really feel like I knew what I was doing. I didn’t really feel like I was in charge of my business.
I could not be more thrilled with my decision because The Success Squad really does give you the foundational skills that you need to build your business, learn how to sell to your customers in a way that they understand, and then scale your business and really be the CEO of your business, which I did not feel like I was before.”
– Liz Birenbaum., Virtual Assistant
Got Questions? Let's Chat!
DM me on Instagram! Sweet entrepreneur, it’s my pleasure to answer any questions you have. Shoot me a quick DM on the ‘gram, and I’ll get back to you ASAP!
You're Walk Like Warriors Money-Back Guarantee
10-Week Satisfaction Guarantee
As your personal Business Strategist, Coach, and Director of Operations, I am committed to helping you achieve success in your business, create a healthy work-life balance, and reclaim valuable hours to spend with the people you love. The Success Squad is a proven, results-driven program, and I believe so strongly in its effectiveness that I offer a 10-Week Satisfaction Guarantee for those who fully participate.
To qualify for a refund, you must attend all live calls or watch the replays within one week of their posting, complete the weekly action items, actively participate in the community (e.g., asking questions, sharing wins, or providing feedback at least once per week), fully implement the strategies and systems taught throughout the program for the full 10 weeks, and provide documented evidence of your efforts, including completed templates, dashboards, and other program materials.
If, after completing the program and meeting all the above requirements, you are not completely satisfied and you feel it didn’t deliver the value you expected, you may submit a refund request within 7 days of the program’s conclusion.
Refund requests must include a detailed summary of what didn’t meet your expectations and supporting documentation of your completed work and implementation efforts.
This Guarantee is for action-takers. This policy is designed for committed entrepreneurs who actively engage with the program. Refunds will not be granted for lack of participation, inconsistent effort, or incomplete work. The Squad is about results and results happen with consistent effort on the right things. That’s what you learn how to do inside the Squad. This is not a trial period; it’s a results-focused program for those ready to take action!
You have everything to gain—a business that runs smoothly and a life that feels balanced—by joining The Success Squad today.
Still Have Questions? I've Got Answers!
The Success Squad is a comprehensive business coaching program designed to help you master time management, build sustainable systems, and achieve your business goals with clarity and focus. It’s built on three key elements that work together to deliver incredible results:
Weekly Live Coaching Calls
Over the 10 weeks, you’ll join live one-hour coaching calls led by Kelly, where you’ll receive expert guidance, personalized strategies, and the opportunity to ask questions in real time. These calls are dynamic, interactive, and designed to equip you with actionable insights to grow your business and find balance.A Robust Course and Workbook
The Success Squad course is thorough, deep, and has been referred to by participants as "The MBA" of business coaching—some of whom already have MBAs themselves! It includes step-by-step lessons and a comprehensive workbook that breaks down complex strategies into simple, actionable steps. You’ll learn everything from mastering your schedule to creating systems that drive revenue and give you time back in your day.Private Community for Support and Accountability
The private community is a game-changer. You’ll be surrounded by like-minded entrepreneurs who share your drive and are there to cheer you on every step of the way. Whether it’s sharing wins, asking for advice, or holding each other accountable, this community ensures you never feel alone on your journey.
Together, these three elements create a transformative experience that not only helps you streamline your business but also empowers you to reclaim your time and achieve balance in your life.
The 10 live calls are on Tuesdays at 12:00pm eastern, 9:00am pacific. The calls are one hour long. The recording is sent out if you're unable to attend live and, of course, you'll be given a form to pre-submit questions to ensure you get all the support you need!
Kindly note that for the January round, there is no call on 2/4/25 and a makeup call will be held on 2/14/25.
This is the case with quite a few entrepreneurs who take the Squad!
If you can’t attend the live call, you can pre-submit your questions, and Kelly will answer them on the call. Each call is recorded and the recording link will be available to you promptly each week.
We’ve got you covered!
Squad graduates typically experience increased confidence, motivation, organization, productivity, social media and email list growth, and revenue. On average, Squad graduates report working 8 hours and 15 minutes less per week after the Squad - but getting more done in their business. Squad graduates report increased confidence running their business and far better work/life balance after the Squad. Every round at least one member says it saved their marriage.
A metric we're most proud of? We send out a post-Squad survey at the conclusion of each round and ask this question:
"On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend the Squad to a family member or business bestie?"
(also known as a net promoter score or NPS for short)
As of the date of this writing, every graduate from EVERY round has rated it "10."
This is almost unheard of with net promoter scores. It should give you the confidence to know every graduate unequivocally recommends the Success Squad to the people who trust them most.
However, the results you experience will depend on how willing you are to do the work and implement new business strategies.
The modules are released week-by-week on Wednesday mornings. You’ll have fresh, actionable content every week! Once they are all released, you have the full course inside your account.
The only exception is in week 1: Modules 1 and 2 are released at the same time and you'll have two full weeks to go through them. The reason for this is that these two modules comprise the Time Mastery system and are best released together.
The duration of the coaching program consists of 10 weeks of live group coaching calls with a 9-module digital course (we take an implementation week to help you get caught up and put the strategies into action!).
The modules are released one week at a time (also known as a "dripped" format) to coincide with the upcoming call. After the conclusion of the Squad, the digital course modules and workbook are yours to keep forever. Should Kelly ever discontinue hosting the Success Squad, you will be notified via email 3 separate times in a 30-day period and provided instructions for downloading the course videos and workbook to your own personal device or cloud and you will have 90 days to do so.
Yes! All live calls are via Zoom, making the program accessible to clients worldwide. The modules can be accessed through the online portal, so you can benefit from being part of The Success Squad no matter where you are located.
Kelly believes so strongly in The Success Squad that she offers a 10-Week Satisfaction Guarantee! If you attend all live calls (or watch the replays), complete the assignments, actively participate in the community, and fully implement the strategies, yet still feel the program didn’t deliver the value you expected, you can request a refund within 7 days of the program’s conclusion. Refund request must be coupled with all completed work.
This guarantee is for action-takers who are ready to put in the work. It’s Kelly’s way of ensuring you feel confident joining, knowing the program is designed to help you succeed!
That’s a great question! Your success in the program depends on your commitment and openness to implementing the strategies and frameworks I’m giving you.
Your willingness to actively participate in the community and live calls and implement new strategies and insights will help you maximize the program's benefits.
Kelly is a Certified Director of Operations with experience in over 40+ industries and has supported small businesses for over 20 years.
Unfortunately, the coaching industry is largely unregulated so you want to ensure you are working with a coach who has the business chops to back up what they're claiming they can help with. Having worked for years building small businesses and large (from $100,000 businesses to working inside of 9-figure businesses), Kelly cut her teeth developing systems and strategy to help businesses get unstuck, fast.
One of Kelly’s "claims to fame" is her ability to help people build a 6-figure business with less than 1,000 followers.
Another win she is really proud of? Two Success Squad graduates who were able to leave full-time corporate careers and pursue their dream business after taking the Squad.
We've had graduates launch new businesses, get unstuck from perfectionism, have multi-5-figure months, and more. It's a powerful community! The Squad has the tools you've been searching for ... but you do need to put in the work.
Absolutely! Many clients choose to continue their journey beyond The Success Squad either in the private membership (just for Squad alumni!) or as Voxer-only or one-on-one coaching clients. The ongoing support gives you the accountability to continue achieving your long-term goals and explore other areas of your business that may need additional clarity, direction, and support.
Due to demand, Kelly only offers 1:1 coaching to Squad graduates.
Kelly’s coaching stands out because it’s rooted in a deep understanding of where you are right now. She’s been in your shoes—overwhelmed, juggling family and business, and searching for a better way to make it all work without burning out. Her journey to create boundaries and build systems that actually work means she knows exactly how to help you do the same.
What truly sets Kelly apart is her unwavering commitment to her clients. She doesn’t just cheer from the sidelines—she rolls up her sleeves to ensure you get actionable strategies and step-by-step clarity to move forward. You’ll feel her passion and care in every piece of advice she offers, and she’s 100% invested in your success.
Kelly’s faith is also central to her approach. She’ll pray for you, your business, and your family, providing guidance that’s ethical, honest, and filled with integrity. And if she doesn’t believe The Success Squad is the right fit for you? She’ll tell you. Kelly has even gently turned people away, ensuring you invest in what truly serves your goals.
This is more than a coaching program—it’s a partnership. You’ll get the systems and strategies to build a thriving business while also feeling genuinely supported, seen, and valued every step of the way. With Kelly, it’s not just about your business growth—it’s about transforming how you work and live.
I will be your biggest cheerleader and give you every last drop of what I’ve got to help you succeed. I want to help you break the cycle of overwhelm and learn to run your business more efficiently.
I will pray for you, your business, and your family. I am committed to guiding you with an ethical, honest, and trustworthy approach.
Lastly, I'll tell you if I don’t think this program is right for you. Yes, I’ve actually talked people out of signing up for The Success Squad in the DM’s because I knew it wasn’t the right fit for them. I won’t take advantage of you like many people out there will. You deserve the best!
You’ll get strategy and clear how-to’s mixed with the deepest care, passion, and love.
The Success Squad is designed to fit into your busy schedule while delivering big results. You’ll need about 3-5 hours per week, which includes attending (or watching) the live calls, completing assignments, and implementing the strategies. Many participants find that the time they invest in the program is more than made up by the hours they save using the systems and strategies taught.
The best part? You’ll leave each week feeling more organized, focused, and in control of your time!
The Success Squad may qualify as a tax-deductible business expense since it’s designed to help you grow and manage your business effectively. Many participants are able to write off the cost of coaching and educational programs like this as part of their business development expenses.
However, because every situation is unique, we recommend consulting with your tax advisor or accountant to confirm how this applies to your specific circumstances. They will guide you on how to document and claim the expense properly.
DM Kelly on Instagram! Shoot her a quick DM {text or voice}, share your concerns, and she'll respond promptly (except on the weekends)!
She is also happy to connect you with Success Squad alumni or to hop on Zoom with you for a quick chat.
It is important to our company that you are confident and excited about your investment so we take the time to ensure it's a great fit.
And yes, Kelly will also talk you OUT of taking the Squad if it’s not the best fit for you right now.
It’s time to finally build a sustainable business!
It’s Time to Get Strategies That Actually WORK!
It's Decision Time...
You can keep ping-ponging between tasks, putting out fires, and hoping for the best, or you can learn the exact method to build a flipping amazing and sustainable business. Here’s your roadmap to unlock sales and achieve a balanced, fulfilling life.
Before You Leave, Please Take a Moment to Read This...
Fellow entrepreneur, I know you’re here because you’re overwhelmed and burned out. As one of my clients put it… it’s like you’re in a pool drowning – trying to breathe and stay above water – and then someone hands you a baby!
Have you ever felt this way?
I know so many of you have.
But, here’s the trap… You want freedom with your time and money, so you invest in a course. You do everything your mentor says, but you don’t see results, so you buy another course.
Same result.
So, you slowly start to lose faith in yourself. You keep trying to build your business the way the Instagram coaches and gurus tell you.
“Add this, do that. Do ALL the things.”
You’ve spent enough money on Instagram growth and reels courses, and you’ve tried going viral without success.
Sweet one, there’s a better way! Join The Success Squad!
Yes, I know that’s a big ask, but I know you’re a Warrior, or you wouldn’t be here. I haven’t met a woman in my circle yet who wanted to quit her business because she didn’t like it. The ones who gave up? They quit because they lacked the right systems and tools. They were burning out from spending time on the wrong things – and no one showed them a better way.
Perhaps you’re on the verge of quitting your business, but please give your business another chance and do The Squad first!
I believe you can build a six-figure business without ever going viral on Instagram and with less than 1000 followers.
I’ve done it.
If I can teach you how to do that and manage your time so you’re no longer working nights and weekends, would that be worth it to you?
Warrior, what is your time valued at?
You have what it takes. You just need the tools and systems to get there!
So, let me ask you… Where do you think your life will be 12 months from now if you don’t take control of your business and your time? How will it affect the ones you love?
When I finally decided to ditch the overwhelm and shame and put into practice the principles I’d been teaching business owners for years, I gained…
Middle-of-the-day coffee chats on the couch with my teenagers {My kids say I laugh more}
Spur-of-the-moment lunch dates with my husband {I’m actually a fun wife again!}
And, an abundance of extra hours in my day {I’ve doubled my annual income while working half as much!}
This can be your life, too!
I’m literally going to give you the roadmap.