the Success Squad

Below you will find answers to your most burning Success Squad questions. If your question is not answered here, slide on into Kelly’s Instagram DM’s and she will be more than happy to help you out!

NOTE: Doors are currently closed and reopen fall 2024. Space is extremely limited. 

If you’re struggling to actually get the important stuff done in your business, you need BUILD. If you’re disorganized or flying by the seat of your pants or winging it, you need BUILD. If you think your personal brand is fonts & pretty colors, you need BUILD.

BUILD is the foundational pieces of your business that, when in place, give you peace, freedom, focus, and growth.

Build includes:

– Time Mastery

– Knowing what to work on – and when

– How to get to (and maintain) inbox zero

– A unique way to organize your entire business (even if you have ADHD)

– Your Secret Sauce – what makes you, you

– Your brand pillars (creating content your people will actually want to consume)

It is THE cornerstone to having a healthy business. 

Modules are released each Friday around 10am eastern, beginning Friday, April 12. Click HERE for a calendar – just select your pod you plan to join.

If you’re struggling to create content for your newsletters or social media, you need SELL. If you don’t have a newsletter, you need SELL. If you feel gross and weird when you try to sell online, you need SELL. If you don’t have word-of-mouth referrals coming into your business on a monthly basis, you need SELL. If you try to sell and it’s just crickets, you need SELL.

SELL includes:

– Kelly’s proprietary PI Framework for endless content ideas that actually results in people stopping the scroll

–  Kelly’s unique 631 Formula for building a community of raving fans

– How to come up with thousands of content ideas in one month (that people will actually want to engage with)

– How to create superfine who want what you’ve got and tell the whole world about you

– How to be “customer obsessed” so money in your business is flowing

– How to attract and repel online

– And how to flip marketing on its head so you aren’t chasing leads, you’re drawing them in

If you’re doing your best on social media but not seeing sales, you need SELL. If you’re struggling to sell without being sales-y, join us here.

Modules are released each Friday around 10am eastern, beginning Friday, April 12. Click HERE for a calendar – just select your pod you plan to join.

Similar to when you were at college and your professor had drop-in office hours, these are optional and they are not meant to be used as a group call or meeting. Rather, you drop-in if you have questions or need quick help. The only ones who pop into these weekly one-hour office hours are those with a quick question. 

This is not to be used as a private coaching call. 🙂

Inspired by Cal Newport’s phenomenal book Deep Work, I recommend every business owner take 2-4 hours once/week and do the following:

1. Turn off all notifications

2. Put their phone into a different room

3. Close their door

4. Put on “brain music”

5. Work on one (only one) cognitively demanding task or project in their business. 

The amount of work we can get done in just 2 hours is astounding! So the group deep work sessions are a 2-hour session when we take 5 minutes at the beginning to go round-robin and state what we are working on. Then we turn mics and cameras off and we do. the. work. 

Many women tell me they struggle with accountability and implementation. This solves for that. At the end of our 2-hour deep work session, we come back together and state how far we got in our project. 

Powerful. Fulfilling. Life-giving.

The weekly group coaching calls are private for your pod. The “Build” pod has a weekly, live, one-hour group coaching call (with Q&A’s at the end), as does the “Sell” pod.

The drop-in office hours and deep work sessions are shared. 

The current schedule is as follows:

The BUILD calls are on Tuesdays 11:30am-12:30pm eastern

The SELL calls are on Thursdays 12-1:00pm eastern

Click HERE for a calendar from spring of 2024 to give you an idea of all the live components of this program – it’s quite robust! 

Drop-in office hours (optional and are only used as-needed) are Wednesdays

Deep work sessions (optional) are Thursdays

Yes. You can pre-submit your questions each week and I’ll answer them on the live calls so you can get answers when you watch the recording. 

Additionally, the Squad alumni will tell you that 90% of the value is in the digital course and workbook. (I can refer you to some previous Squad members if you’d like.)

The modules are released one at a time, around 10am eastern on Fridays.

Your live call the coming week goes over the previous module released on Friday, though you are welcome to submit questions on anything you’ve learned thus far in the Squad. 

Yes! This is a new addition to The Success Squad. We are building out an active community element inside Podia, where your digital course is hosted (so no need to download yet another app or join yet another Facebook group). This will be our first time rolling this out and we are looking forward to helping you connect with one another.

Additionally, Kelly kindly requests that everyone in the Squad follow and support everyone else in the Squad on Instagram. Women supporting women is very important to the mission of Walk Like Warriors.

The weekly, live, one-hour group coaching calls are recorded and the recording is sent out within 24 hours of the call. 

Naturally, the drop-in office hours and group deep work sessions are not recorded.

How badly do you want to grow? If you’re ready to commit 5-10 hours a week for 8 weeks to see SERIOUS growth in your systems, time management, and marketing/sales, you can do this. The digital course and workbook are yours for life so you can always skip lessons you don’t need immediately and circle back to them next quarter.

Someone in the last Squad called this her MBA. If you need that and want that, this is doable for you.

Short answer: I don’t know. I am customer obsessed. I will only offer these programs in the current format if I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they are working well in this format.

As Walk Like Warriors continues to grow and evolve, I’m committed to ensuring that our programs remain as impactful and beneficial for female entrepreneurs as possible. I do this by actively seeking out feedback from the current round, as well as relying on the business acumen and wisdom of my business coach and my business strategist

Part of this process of me pivoting from fractional Director of Operations work to coaching female solopreneurs involves regular reflection and adjustment to better meet the needs of the community and my own personal dedication and commitment to my children and husband.

While I can’t predict the exact lineup of programs for the fall, I want to reassure you that any changes will be approached with careful consideration and with your best interests at heart. Your trust means everything to me, and I promise to keep you informed every step of the way.

The plan is to offer all 3 pods: 




in the fall of 2024 as 8-week programs running at the same time. 

I still have questions ...

DM Kelly on Instagram! She remains steadfastly devoted to being responsive and active on IG so shoot her a DM with your question and she’ll get back to you quickly. It is her pleasure to serve you.

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