Why You Need to Try Themed Days to Master Your Time Management Issues

Here’s a hard fact: flying by the seat of your pants is far more painful than disciplining yourself to follow a weekly plan.

I get it. We all want to do better in our businesses, not just for our own sake but also for our customers and families. But time management as an entrepreneur can be incredibly challenging.

The Pitfalls of Traditional Time Management

Over the years, I’ve tried the traditional, cliché ideas but, to be honest, they just didn’t work well for me. (ADHD brain, here!) Here’s what doesn’t work for me:

???? Little 15-minute increments of time blocking: These tiny segments feel way too restrictive and fragmented, making it hard to dive deep into any task. Plus, they give me near-panic-attacks as I watch the clock all day and constantly feel behind. 

???? No-space-between-blocks-of-time: Without breaks, your day becomes a relentless grind, leading to burnout. Plus, without any wiggle room (I call it having padding between your work blocks), you tend to feel like you are behind all day without any chance to catch your breath. Any time management system that has me eyeing the clock every few minutes is not a system I can get behind.

???? Keeping a time diary: Constantly tracking every minute was exhausting and counterproductive. Not a fan at all! It works for some people, for sure. However, something tells me that because you’re here reading this post, this time diary thing hasn’t worked for you, either!

Introducing a New Approach: Batching Days Instead of Tasks

Instead of traditional time management methods, I created my own system. Rather than batching tasks, I batch entire days. This system has revolutionized my productivity and work-life balance. (And it’s starting to change countless women’s lives too! One woman who purchased my Time Mastery system went from working 12 hours every Monday to working just 4. Imagine having 8 hours back in your day!!!) Here’s how it works:

Monday – Admin Day

Monday is all about administrative tasks. This includes filing receipts, cleaning up files and systems, confirming appointments, checking your website, funnels, and automations, sending emails, and answering DMs. Starting the week with a clear, organized workspace sets the tone for productivity. Basically, anything you would have an assistant do, do.

Tuesday – Meetings & Content Creation

Tuesdays are dedicated to meetings and content creation. If you have coaching calls or client meetings, tours or open houses, this is the day to schedule them. If meetings aren’t a big part of your business, use this day to create content. Whether it’s writing blog posts, shooting videos, or crafting social media posts, dedicating a day to content ensures consistency and quality. It allows you to batch your content – saving you tons of time.

Wednesday – Growth Day

Wednesday is all about growth. This means we focus on sales and marketing. Spend the day working on strategies to grow your business. This could include outreach, creating marketing campaigns, networking, and more. The key is to dedicate a full day to activities that drive business growth. Too many women neglect marketing and growth efforts and then find one day that business has dried up and they aren’t making sales.

Thursday – Deep Work Day

On Thursday, spend 2-3 hours in deep work. This expression came from Cal Newport’s seminal book: Deep Work. This book changed my life and I read it almost every year.  

Deep Work Thursday is a time for thinking about our business from a bird’s eye view, working on ONE big project that requires some heavy duty cognitive lifting, or planning our business strategies. Use this day for big business projects that require intense focus and creativity. Deep work allows you to tackle complex problems and innovate without distractions. But make sur to focus in on one thing — not lots of small ones. This is all about getting into the groove and making big progress. To do this well, you need to turn off all notifications, put your phone in another room, close all those browser tabs, set a timer, close your door, and do the deep work. This will change your entire business.

Friday – CEO Day

Friday is your CEO day. This is a day for CEO strategy, reviewing metrics, educating yourself as the leader of your biz (yes, dusting off all those digital courses you paid for and then abandoned), and soul-care. As the leader of your business, it’s crucial to have a day dedicated to high-level thinking and personal development. This day helps you stay aligned with your long-term vision and ensures you’re nurturing yourself as well as your business.

The Benefits of Themed Days

Why do I love themed days? Because theming your days as a small business owner enables you to create a rhythm that reduces decision fatigue and increases focus. You waste another minute of your day trying to decide what to work on! 

This system saves you time and energy, making you more productive. Plus, it provides a clear structure, helping you avoid the busy-all-day-but-aren’t-sure-what-you-did syndrome. Can I get an “amen!”

As a side note, I coach on the theme days every day (M-F) in my Instagram stories. JOIN ME over there for tons of free business coaching!

Achieving Work-Life Balance

But, most importantly, the biggest benefits of this system is that it allows you to reclaim your weekends and evenings. By sticking to this plan, I never work weekends anymore, and I’m done working before dinner. This change has not only made me a more effective entrepreneur but also a more present and passionate wife and mom.

And isn’t that what it’s all about?

The Bottom Line

If you’re a busy entrepreneur who feels distracted or unsure of what to focus on, a weekly plan with themed days can be a game-changer.

Remember, the key to fast growth is not just working hard but working smart. That means working on the RIGHT things. 

One thing I’ve learned in coaching female entrepreneurs, many of them have no idea what the RIGHT things in their business even are. That’s where The Success Squad comes in. This is my signature group coaching program & digital course hybrid. It teaches you exactly what to do and when in your business. No more guessing. No more feeling like an imposter. You will graduate The Success Squad confident and equipped to know exactly how to master your time, market more effectively, and grow your business. Guaranteed. JOIN NOW!

Embrace the challenge, implement these strategies, and see the difference in your productivity and overall well-being. Let’s change your business—and your life—forever!

PS – if you do try Themed Days i would LOVE it if you let me know in an Instagram DM!

Small group coaching for female entrepreneurs ready to scale their business!

Ready to scale your business without sacrificing your personal life? You need to think about joining The Success Squad! This is how you can build your business in half the time it’s taking you right now. Doors open again fall 2024 – CLICK HERE to join the wait list. Space is extremely limited. Those on the VIP wait list get first access, 24 hours before everyone else.

Disclaimer: While Kelly is a certified business coach this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as financial advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace legal or financial advice. Always check with your own legal or financial team before trying or implementing any information read here.  As an Amazon Associate Kelly also earns from qualifying purchases.

Hello, I'm Kelly!

A latte-loving, polka dot and stripe wearing business coach. I’m mom to 4 wonderfully quirky, sarcastic, competitive, driven, and hilarious kids (plus 2 kids-in-law) and happily married to my rock-solid husband for 25 years. While I frequently spill food on myself and can never seem to find my iPhone, my dedication to helping women like you reclaim their time and thrive in their business is unstoppable. 

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Discover the secrets to reclaiming 12+ hours each week with my free PDF, “Hyper Efficiency: 7 Strategies to Save 12+ Hours/Week”. Get your download now to transform your time management and boost your productivity!

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