Here’s Why You Need a Sabbath Day for Beating Burnout

We’re rolling right along in our burnout prevention series.

First, a quickie review:

We’ve tackled non-negotiables, refueling activities, and designing your ideal work week so far. Now, the surprising ancient practice that helped me overcome the grip of workaholism and get rid of burnout for good: embracing a Sabbath.

Before we delve into tip #4, let’s quickly refresh our memory on the first three:

  1. Non-Negotiables List: Remember your “Never Again” list? This is your personal shield, protecting your time and energy from non-essentials.
  2. Big Rocks First: Identify your core values and activities that bring you fulfillment (your “big rocks”). Schedule these non-negotiables first when building your ideal week.
  3. Design Your Ideal Week: Craft a schedule that reflects your priorities, ensuring work revolves around your well-being, not the other way around.

In With the Old: Introducing Tip #4

Yes it sounds weird. Maybe in your mind this is an old practice that has gone out of fashion or maybe you’re worried I’m about to tell you not to use electricity or drive your car on Sundays. But nothing helped me overcome workaholism and beat burnout like practicing the Sabbath

I was in the middle of my Biblical Studies degree through Moody Bible Institute when I had to read several books on the Sabbath. The class explored that this is no longer a command for people of faith but it is a gift given to us that we can choose to take hold of. The design of it is clearly spelled out during creation week when God (who obviously doesn’t need to rest at all) rested on the seventh day to show us a balance of work and rest.

And the beauty is, you can define your Sabbath! It doesn’t have to be on a Sunday. Rather, the goal is to choose one day where you cease/stop activity and let your mind and body recharge.

I know you might be curious. You might even want my specific list of do’s and don’ts. But this is just our human nature wanting to put boundaries and regulations on something when that is not what is called for. It’s simply a designated day where you completely unplug and recharge. This unhurried, unscheduled day allows our bodies and minds to become still. They can be replenished in that stillness. This day allows us to spend more time with God and therefore become more completely whole as people.

Believe it or not, when I first started prioritizing a Sabbath day, it felt…uncomfortable. I wasn’t used to stillness, and honestly, I didn’t quite know how to “just stop.” I was SURE that something at work would fall apart if I didn’t have my hands on everything. I was SURE that something would fall through the cracks if I wasn’t checking email, texts, and Teams messages all day. 

It was honestly really hard (and humbling) to remove myself from the whirlwind of activity. It left me feeling humbled – and also weirdly dispensable in that the world doesn’t need me busy to keep spinning on its access. Things move on – with or without us. And I think this is one of the beautiful things about the Sabbath – how it humbles us. It helps us remove our pride about what we offer to our work world.

Fast forward to today, and let me tell you: Sabbath is bliss! I spend 2-3 days looking forward to it and then 2-3 days basking in the afterglow of it. It has completely shattered my previous way of doing life and now offers me this incredible rhythm of work and rest.

On my designated rest day, there are zero chores, zero cooking, absolutely no work ,and just pure relaxation. My husband and I have coffee on the back patio for an hour or two. We go to church with our kids. Then we get home and spend time together – and apart. I often read a book for hours at a time in our screened in patio or I sip a glass of wine in a rocking chair on our front porch. We often spend time with my parents, our married kids who come visit, and our teens who still live at home. 

It’s a day filled with card game, Banagrams, laughter, quiet … it’s always different. But it’s always restful.

Why is a Sabbath so Powerful?

Here’s the deal: we’re wired to take breaks. Just like your phone needs to recharge, so do you! A dedicated day of rest allows you to:

  • Reduce stress and burnout
  • Boost creativity and focus
  • Strengthen relationships (think family time!)
  • Gain a fresh perspective

Ready to Give It a Try?

So, how do you implement a Sabbath? Here are a few tips:

  • Choose your day: It doesn’t have to be a traditional Sunday! Pick a day that works for you.
  • Communicate your needs: Let your family, friends, and work peeps know about this change you’re implementing. Invite them in. The Sabbath is even sweeter when practiced with your whole family. You’ll be surprised at how excited your kids will be to have mom rested and calm – not frantic and doing the whole frantic weekly-prep, angtsty Sunday scaries thing.
  • Plan relaxing activities: Read, nap, explore nature, spend time with loved ones – do whatever brings you joy and peace.

Remember, entrepreneurs, taking a break isn’t a sign of weakness – it’s a sign of strength. The God we worship rested. He didn’t have to. He was demonstrating for us a pattern we can follow, too. It is my belief that we are designed (the fabric of who we are) to operate best this way. It humbles us (in the best way possible) and refreshes us.

You might just find your relationships, family, body, brain and business thriving like never before.

Stay tuned for the final tip in our burnout prevention series next week!

PS If you’re ready to level up your efficiency even more, grab a copy of my free guide: Hyper Efficiency: 7 Strategies to Save You 12+ Hours/Week.

Tips for shaving off 12 hours in your work week! Efficiency and productivity tips every entrepreneur needs!

Disclaimer: While Kelly is a certified business coach this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as financial advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace legal or financial advice. Always check with your own legal or financial team before trying or implementing any information read here.  As an Amazon Associate Kelly also earns from qualifying purchases.

Hello, I'm Kelly!

A latte-loving, polka dot and stripe wearing business coach. I’m mom to 4 wonderfully quirky, sarcastic, competitive, driven, and hilarious kids (plus 2 kids-in-law) and happily married to my rock-solid husband for 25 years. While I frequently spill food on myself and can never seem to find my iPhone, my dedication to helping women like you reclaim their time and thrive in their business is unstoppable. 

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