The “OMG  That Was Easy” Idea That Will Get You MORE Sales! 

Do You Want More Sales?

I mean, who doesn’t, amiright?

And if you’re like most female small business owners that I coach, you have tried all the Instagram hacks, tricks, courses, and memberships.

You may have even dropped thousands of dollars trying to learn how to make better reels so you can sell more stuff.

It breaks my heart because every time I’m on Instagram, I see the same sales mistake over and over and over—a sales mistake that costs female entrepreneurs sales and new business.

The bad news is that I see this small business sales mistake EVERYWHERE.

The good news is that it’s a relatively easy mistake to fix if you know what you’re looking for and how to do it.

The mistake I see everywhere? 

I’m talking about sounding like an expert in your field instead of sounding like your ideal customer. Sooooo many women use insider language without even realizing it. And don’t worry, I’m going to give you examples a little bit later in this blog post to show you precisely what I mean.

Why Does This Happen?

Why do women sound so much like insiders and not enough like their customers? I see two reasons for this:

Reason #1: Not Enough Time with Top-of-Funnel Customers

Far too many women don’t hang out enough with the customers at the top of their funnel. The top of the funnel are the people who are just starting to figure out that they have a problem and are beginning to look for solutions to their problem.

They say very basic things and don’t know any of the insider lingo.

These can become your top-paying, most engaged customers. That is, if you’ll meet them where they’re at and use language they understand.

Reason #2: Echo Chambers

Aside from not spending enough time with your ideal customer and paying attention to the way they talk, you’re spending way (and I mean WAY) too much time inside of your own echo chambers. What that means is that you’re in a room with people all saying the same thing, and all your words just get echoed back to one another. It’s all the same stuff, just recycled over and over.

This happens from taking too many courses from people in your same industry.

It also happens from following too many people in your same industry.

And for sure this happens from consuming way too much content just from your industry.

Before you know it, you are sounding way too much like an industry insider. Your potential customers (you know, the ones scrolling social media that you’re trying to reach) don’t know what to do with that. They don’t think that you can help them. Because nothing you say resonates with them.

So the biggest trick to fixing your sales problem is sounding more like your customer. NOT like a guru.

Examples to Help You Spot the Problem

I promised specific examples, so here are some to get you thinking … do you spot any of this in your own content?

I was scrolling social this week and noticed content from a lot of fitness and health coaches—talking to women and saying the words “down regulated metabolism.” I can pretty much guarantee you that no woman trying to fit back into her skinny jeans is using the words “down regulated metabolism” when she’s at lunch with her besties. She is saying things like, “Ever since I turned 35, I keep putting on weight.” She is saying things like, “I can’t believe in college, I thought I was fat. I would give anything to go back to being ‘fat’ like that.” Sound familiar? Yeah. I can guarantee you, she is not using the words “down regulated metabolism.”

But if you are a health or nutrition coach, and you have been following way too many people in your industry and taking way too many courses, those are the types of things you start to say, without even realizing it. And your customer just rolls right on past your content because they don’t think that you can offer anything that can help them.

Another example I saw this week: an autoimmune coach talking about “leaky gut syndrome.” Very few women say to their husband over coffee, “You know what, honey? I think I have leaky gut syndrome!”

Nope. She is saying things like, “I’ve always had so much energy, and now I can hardly get through the day without an extra latte.” Or, “My skin is so irritated all the time. Like all of a sudden. What happened?!”

The Solution: Sound Like Your Customer!

The way to fix your sales problem? You need to sound like your customer! NOT like an industry insider. So stop talking like one.

3 Steps to Get You Started

Now, as your business coach, I want to help get you started:

STEP ONE: Hide or Unfollow Industry Peers

Hide or unfollow every single person in your industry for at least 60 days. You need to clear your head and stop listening to them and what they’re doing.

STEP TWO: Spend Time with Top-of-Funnel People

Spend time with your top-of-funnel people. Go out to coffee or hang out in Facebook groups … or really anything to get yourself around people who are your ideal customer. Listen to how they talk about their problem. Make note of it. Use THOSE words on social media.

STEP THREE: Join My 9-Week Group Coaching Program

Join my 9-week group coaching program called The Success Squad, where you learn the powerful PI Framework. This proprietary, secret system will teach you EXACTLY how to talk just like your customers and clearly understand their pain points. Guess what? You won’t hear crickets when you go to sell anymore.

With this tool, you’ll sound exactly like your customers without having to get on any calls or get into people’s DMs. PLUS, it leads to thousands of content ideas (and, of course, I show you how to do it inside the Squad). Quite simply: It works. Squad alumni have reported doubling and even tripling their revenue after the Success Squad, and the only thing they changed was that they started using the PI framework when creating content.

I’ll see you inside!

Disclaimer: While Kelly is a certified business coach this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as financial advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace legal or financial advice. Always check with your own legal or financial team before trying or implementing any information read here. As an Amazon Associate Kelly also earns from qualifying purchases.

Hello, I'm Kelly!

A latte-loving, polka dot and stripe wearing business coach. I’m mom to 4 wonderfully quirky, sarcastic, competitive, driven, and hilarious kids (plus 2 kids-in-law) and happily married to my rock-solid husband for 25 years. While I frequently spill food on myself and can never seem to find my iPhone, my dedication to helping women like you reclaim their time and thrive in their business is unstoppable. 

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