I believe you can build the business you want


Welcome, Sweet One!

I’m Kelly Leardon!

I’m a Certified Director of Operations and Small Business Coach for Female Entrepreneurs like you who want to ditch the overwhelm and exhaustion to create a super successful business without sacrificing your personal life.

Believe it or not, I was just like you – so used to operating in a place of overwhelm and chaos that I was just done. I was living life at 1,000 miles per hour, neglecting my four kids and husband more and more as the months flew by.

I finally hit a wall and found myself in the midst of extreme burnout. So, I walked away from my dream job and opened the doors to my own business.

Fast-forward to fall 2023. I saw a huge need in the online space for female entrepreneurs to break free from the constant juggling act and despair that I experienced.

I felt compelled to distill the strategies and frameworks I used as a Director of Operations, working in over 40+ industries, into the essentials for the female solopreneur.

And, this is what I have to offer you now!

These are frameworks and systems I’ve used to help 6, 7, and 8-figure businesses see success – but tailored specifically for entrepreneurs like you, making business growth easy, enjoyable, and highly profitable. Freaking amazing, right?

Do you have a memory of watching someone in your life start their own business?

A person who dared greatly and risked everything – and it left you feeling excited, inspired, and in awe?

That was how I felt when I took my first adult job.
I worked for a small business owner who mortgaged his house to start a business. His courage, confidence, and willingness to risk it all without guarantees, left me utterly captivated.

I thought to myself, “These are my people!”

From that point on, I knew I wanted to champion entrepreneurs – or as I like to call them, Warriors – and help them realize their dreams and business goals.

My journey began as an Administrative Assistant. I steadily climbed the corporate ladder through roles as Executive Assistant, Project Manager, Team Manager, and Event Manager overseeing million-dollar events.

Eventually, I reached the top of my career as a Director of Operations, and finally, Chief of Staff of a 500-person company

I climbed the ranks quickly because there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do – no number of hours I wouldn’t work.

During this season – married to my best friend, raising four children, and having relocated 17 times – I never slowed down. I continued to press forward in my career until I couldn’t any longer…

I finally hit a wall and found myself in the midst of extreme burnout.

In the chaos of 2020, I was working 100 hours a week. One time I actually went two weeks without seeing my children – leaving home when it was dark and returning after they had drifted off to sleep.

My desire to support my company and see to their success led to exhaustion, burnout, and an unhealthy work-life balance.

That’s when it hit me – I was a full-blown workaholic. The funny thing about workaholism is that it is the only thing corporate America truly rewards you for.

I quickly realized that corporate life was NEVER going to give me the ability to set my own hours and pay no matter how much I worked.

The event that finally pushed me over the wall...

I received a call from my CEO while I was in the car on the way to my daughter’s wedding.

He knew it was her special day, but called anyway to offer me THE promotion of a lifetime. I locked eyes with my daughter in the rearview mirror and I knew at that moment that I was DONE.

I gave my notice, opened the doors to my own business, and never looked back!

Fast forward to the summer of 2023 when I decided to launch Walk Like Warriors – my faith-based passion project.

As I shared about faith, routines, and time management – all the things I LOVE – I started getting requests in my inbox for one-on-one business coaching.

That’s when I realized something wild…

Women just like you – raising kids and nurturing families – have the ability to grow a wildly successful business without knowing how to build it in a sustainable and healthy way that gives you freedom and joy.

The lack of business “know-how” is catching up to you –

And, it’s leaving you feeling…

Exhausted, Confused, Embarrassed, and Ill-Equipped.

You’re drowning trying to do ALL THE THINGS – chasing new clients, creating content for social media, begging for new followers – all the while feeling like you’re only giving bits of yourself to your loved ones and getting nowhere in your business.

You’re even questioning whether you have what it takes to run a business while prioritizing your family.


That’s where I step in, dear friend!

As a seasoned Director of Operations with experience spanning over 40+ industries, I’m here to share the frameworks and systems I’ve used to help 7, 8, and 9-figure businesses see success – but tailored specifically for solopreneurs like you, making business growth easy, enjoyable, and highly profitable.

Imagine how your life will change when you...

Gain laser-focus and firm boundaries between work and your personal time - enjoying moments with your family without business worries lurking in the background.

Have a CLEAR roadmap of tasks and actions that will propel your business forward each day - you’ll finally break free from the vicious cycle of overwhelm and burnout.

Implement time-tested Systems & Frameworks that will pave the way for healthy, sustainable business growth - you’ll gain confidence and direction like you’ve never had before.

No longer walk the path of entrepreneurship alone - You’ll have me as your coach by your side, cheering you on every step of the way! That’s my promise to you!

Hear Me Out...

When I finally decided to ditch the overwhelm and shame, and put into practice the principles I’d been teaching business owners for years, I gained…

Middle-of-the-day coffee chats on the couch with my teenagers {My kids say I laugh more 😀}

Spur of the moment lunch dates with my husband {I’m actually a fun wife again!}

And, an abundance of extra hours in my day {I’ve doubled my annual income while working half as much! 😯}

And guess what? This can be your story, too!

Are YOU ready to Walk Like A Warrior – Conquering every facet of your life with Focus, Fearlessness, and Freedom?


Why Choose Kelly?

I'm a faith-based business coach

I will pray for you, your business and your family. I am committed to guiding you with an ethical, honest, and trustworthy approach. Please note you do not have to be a person of faith to work with me; I welcome all people in Walk Like Warriors.

Customer obsession is one of my core values

I will not only be your biggest cheerleader but also give you every last drop of what I’ve got to help you succeed. I desire to help you break the cycle of overwhelm and learn to run your business more efficiently.

I've also felt the chaos, exhaustion, and shame

I’ve walked in your shoes. I understand the feeling of being overwhelmed and defeated, lacking the clear boundaries necessary to thrive in both business and family life. I’ve experienced that pivotal “fork in the road” moment that drove me to make a drastic change in my approach to work. I can help you navigate this as well.

Check the Stats:

Female Entrepreneurs Helped
0 +
Years of Business Experience
0 +
Sold Out Her Signature Process
0 %
Industries that have grown and scaled
0 +

Let's get your business right and tight - so you can finally gain the work-life balance you deserve!

Here are 3 ways we can start working together today!

Kind Words

Boost Your Productivity Today

Discover the secrets to reclaiming 12+ hours each week with my free PDF, “Hyper Efficiency: 7 Strategies to Save 12+ Hours/Week”. Get your download now to transform your time management and boost your productivity!

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