How to Maximize Productivity During Your Back-to-School Commute

How to Maximize Productivity During Your Back-to-School Commute

Struggling with too much “windshield time”? I admit, I used to DREAD my 50-minute (one way) commute. What changed? I discovered business and psychology podcasts. Suddenly, time was flying by!

The best part of being productive on a commute is that there is something for everyone!

Check out my list of ideas to transform your commute (or mom taxi time) from something you dread to something you love! ???????? 

It’s multitasking at its finest and is a great way to get more hours in your day as a small business owner ⤵️

1. Tune into Business and Time Management Podcasts

Yes, you can listen to music. But if you’re trying to level up as an entrepreneur, consider what’s the best use of your time during THIS season. From learning the latest marketing strategies to mastering productivity hacks, podcasts can turn your drive into a daily learning session. It doesn’t have to be forever, but maximizing this time now can yield significant benefits for your small business. 

(PS – if you’re looking for a good podcast, I was hosted by the Digital Trailblazer and it was SO good!). We list all the podcasts I have guested on if you want to check out the “Speaking” page here on this website.

2. Plan Your Calendar or Build Your Grocery List

Leverage voice commands to have your phone act as your virtual assistant while you’re on the go. Plan your week, organize your tasks, or even compile your grocery list hands-free. 

This not only boosts productivity but also ensures you stay on top of your game as the back-to-school rush begins. Wooo!

3. Utilize Walkie-Talkie Apps Like Voxer

I looooooove Voxer and use it daily to communicate with my team, my clients, and even myself!  This walkie-talkie app allows you to download thoughts or tasks to your team (or yourself) as you drive. 

My 1:1 coaching clients receive weekly Voxer support between sessions, so I often use time in the car for connecting with and checking up on them. It’s a fantastic way to maintain communication and manage your small business effectively, even on the move.

Windshield time is a great time to communicate inside of your business (just be sure to keep it hands-free).

4. Conduct Conference Calls

When I was in corporate, I didn’t mind scheduling 5pm calls with west coasters so I could knock out a meeting while driving. If your job allows, this can be a great way to manage your back-to-school commute productively. Just make sure you’re using a hands-free setup to stay safe. (The reason I keep harping on this is that I was rear-ended by a distracted driver in February 2020 which caused permanent damage and untold days on the couch lost to bouts of chronic pain. Listen, I know we are all so dang busy. But NO task is urgent enough for any of us to prioritize that task over the well-being and safety of others on the road with us.)

5. Boost Your Brain Power

Nurture the plasticity of your brain. As we age, learning a new instrument or language is a powerful way to keep our brains active. Since you can’t learn piano in the car, why not take up Spanish or French? 

Language apps and podcasts can make your commute not just productive, but also so good for our brains! And you never know when this could come in handy in your business!


Tell us your favorite on-the-go productivity hack in a comment! Or send me an IG DM with your favorite podcast! ????????

PS: Posting on social media or being in stories isn’t a smart or safe use of this time unless your car is parked. A distracted driver ruined my c-spine. She literally has no idea how her one poor choice changed my life. Every month I’m on the couch for multiple days in debilitating pain. I get it, she didn’t do it on purpose. No one does it on purpose. But it happens. 

Please be safe—for yourself and others. Use hands-free voice commands & keep your phone in your bag while driving. When I see female entrepreneurs recording Instagram stories whilst driving, it gives me a literal physical reaction every time I see it. They have no idea how quickly they could (accidentally) change someone else’s life. 

Let’s practice Luke 6:31 and ensure we are treating others on the road how we would want to be treated. Or, if nothing else, how we hope people behave on the road when driving near our own children. We would beg them to do everything in their power to focus on safety near our children. We must do the same when we are driving.

OK. Off my soapbox now. If you’re still with me and didn’t get your feathers ruffled, you’re my kind of woman. Happy happy happy you’re here with me. 

Get to know more about me here!

Disclaimer: While Kelly is a certified business coach this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as financial advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace legal or financial advice. Always check with your own legal or financial team before trying or implementing any information read here.  As an Amazon Associate Kelly also earns from qualifying purchases.

Hello, I'm Kelly!

A latte-loving, polka dot and stripe wearing business coach. I’m mom to 4 wonderfully quirky, sarcastic, competitive, driven, and hilarious kids (plus 2 kids-in-law) and happily married to my rock-solid husband for 25 years. While I frequently spill food on myself and can never seem to find my iPhone, my dedication to helping women like you reclaim their time and thrive in their business is unstoppable. 

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