Learn How to Enjoy Your Summer as a Busy Entrepreneur

Summer is just around the corner and for many female entrepreneurs, this is a time of year we think about scaling back. 

This year, I found myself reevaluating my summer plans. The truth is, I am losing a significant amount of money this summer. Whoa. Did that surprise you?

After some careful consideration and prayer, I made the decision to significantly scale back my business goals from June-August. The reason? My daughter heads off to college this fall. I have 3 months left with her at home. 3 months. That reality hit me hard.

Why This is So Hard if You’re a Entrepreneur:

As business owners, we’re passionate about what we do. It’s easy to get caught up in the “always on” mentality, especially when you love your work and your clients. But sometimes, the “right” decision isn’t always the easiest one.

This summer, I’m prioritizing time with my family. It’s the conscious choice that matters most to me right now. (Learn more about me here).

This, of course, doesn’t mean it’s the decision for everyone. I have several private coaching clients who are wanting to scale UP this summer. They are hoping to double or even triple their revenue in the summer months. 

There isn’t a right way to do this. But there IS a wrong way to go through your summer as an entrepreneur. And that’s by not thinking about it at all and just pushing forward.

Psalm 90:12 tells us to number our days. If we want a heart of wisdom, we are to count the cost of what we’re doing and understand that time is fleeting. We can push or we can rest or we can do something in between. The important thing is to take the time to discern what is best for us and our businesses during the season we are in.

I love the book of Ecclesiastes even though it doesn’t get a lot of love in most Christian circles. But something I appreciate about it is its reminder to us that were are different times and seasons for our lives. Some women are in “empire-building” seasons in their business. Others are barely able to scrape 15 minutes together to focus on their business (often is happens in between diaper changes and snack time for little ones!).

When we take the time to slow down and think through the season we are in (literally – like in the summer I don’t want to work as much) as well as figuratively (I don’t want to be too busy working during my last few months with my daughter at home), we can make a conscious decision instead of end up doing something we later regret.

What about you? 

Before the summer rush takes hold, take a moment to assess your own priorities. Think about the summer months and what makes the most sense for you in the season of life you’re currently in.

Make a calm, conscious decision about how you’ll spend your precious time. Then carve out the time and do it!

Cheering you on. Always.


PS – Ready to take your Instagram game and small business to the next level? Join The Success Squad waiting list by clicking here. The Success Squad runs three times per year and includes live weekly coaching from me AND a beautiful digital course with lifetime access!

Disclaimer: While Kelly is a certified business coach this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as financial advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace legal or financial advice. Always check with your own legal or financial team before trying or implementing any information read here.  As an Amazon Associate Kelly also earns from qualifying purchases.

Hello, I'm Kelly!

A latte-loving, polka dot and stripe wearing business coach. I’m mom to 4 wonderfully quirky, sarcastic, competitive, driven, and hilarious kids (plus 2 kids-in-law) and happily married to my rock-solid husband for 25 years. While I frequently spill food on myself and can never seem to find my iPhone, my dedication to helping women like you reclaim their time and thrive in their business is unstoppable. 

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