Tired of Low Engagement on Instagram? Try This…

I’ve noticed something interesting happening in the business space over the last couple of years – and it’s great news for female entrepreneurs!

Less and less people are purchasing from mega brands that spend millions on TV and streaming advertising. More are purchasing from smaller brands they find, follow, and fall in love with on Instagram.

Social media is just that – SOCIAL. And this is where female business owners can really shine. This comes naturally to us, ladies! We love connecting. We’re good at it! Which means, if we do this right, we are well positioned to make major moves in the future.

Even with a small social media following, I have more work than I can keep up with and am working hard to figure out ways to serve more business owners at a time.

Do you want this for your biz? To be busting at the seams with business?

Want to know how I did it?

I think it boils down to two things I’ve done that I would love to see you “steal”:

  • Be personal on social media! Let me see your face! Let me hear you talk! I want to know what you had for breakfast, what you’re reading, and the weird daily habits of your cat. Share yourself a bit more in stories so we can get to know the real you – the person behind the brand.

    I LOVE following along in someone’s life so long as they keep the negativity and rambling to a minimum. 🙂

    (Pssst – Want to get to know me? Read more here!)
  • Serve and give. Wayyyyyy too many entrepreneurs are only showing up in stories to sell or posting about their product/service. The internet is FILLED to overflowing with people only selling and never giving. You cannot get by with only sell-sell-selling.

    Figure out what you can share more about that will help others (and is in alignment with your brand) and give, give, give! Content pillars are so helpful for this.

What about you? Have you noticed that you connect more with smaller brands where you feel like you’ve gotten to know the owner herself?

Which ones are your favorites? Reply and let me know. I’d love some new accounts to follow!

PS. If you aren’t following me on Instagram yet, I’m dishing daily, free business coaching in my feed and especially in my stories. Let’s connect!

Learn how to scale your small business, time management and productivity skills for ADHD and how to show up on Instagram strategically. Small buisness coaching for female entrepreneurs that actually makes sense.

Ready to take your Instagram game and small business to the next level? Join The Success Squad waiting list by clicking here. The Success Squad runs three times per year and includes live weekly coaching from me AND a beautiful digital course with lifetime access!

Disclaimer: While Kelly is a certified business coach this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as financial advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace legal or financial advice. Always check with your own legal or financial team before trying or implementing any information read here.  As an Amazon Associate Kelly also earns from qualifying purchases.

Hello, I'm Kelly!

A latte-loving, polka dot and stripe wearing business coach. I’m mom to 4 wonderfully quirky, sarcastic, competitive, driven, and hilarious kids (plus 2 kids-in-law) and happily married to my rock-solid husband for 25 years. While I frequently spill food on myself and can never seem to find my iPhone, my dedication to helping women like you reclaim their time and thrive in their business is unstoppable. 

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